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Good Racist Jokes Reddit

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A big list of racist jokes! 67 of them, in fact! Sourced from Reddit, Twitter, and beyond! I'm so tired of all these racists jokes on Reddit. American, an Arab and a Mexican walk into a bar.and they all sit there and drink and have a nice time like good friends. What did you expect you fuckin racist? Regardless of your skin color, belief or country you can never be protected from the Racist jokes. So instead of being angry at the jokes, it would be more fun if we all stick together and enjoy some of the funny Racist jokes. The best Racist jokes are the sassy and funny that would make you laugh hard. If you're looking for the best collection of hilariously offensive racist jokes, you've come to the right place! Laugh out loud with your friends with the funniest politically incorrect jokes on the web! Our funny racial jokes target Asian, Black, Jewish, Indian, Mexican, White and much more!

When we got many other racial jokes, so why not jokes about white people. There is not many of them, but they are somewhat true and funny. I hope you like them, your welcome to write a comment in the comment box futher down. Enjoy guys.

    • Why do white people own so many pets?
      Because we're not allowed to own people anymore.
    • What do you call 1 white guy surrounded by a court of black people?
      The NBA.
    • How do white guys satisfy their wives?
      They hire a pool boy.
    • Why don't people tell white jokes?
      They want to keep their jobs.
[quads id=1]
    • What do you call a white girl that can run faster than her brothers?
      The redneck virgin.
    • What do you call a white man in the ghetto?
      A victim.
    • People are like crayons.
      No one likes the white ones.
    • What is the scariest thing about a white person in prison?
      You know he did it.
    • Why are redneck murder cases the hardest to solve?
      Because all the DNA matches and there are no dental records.
    • How did the white boy come out of the grocery store with a six pack?
      He walked in and payed for it.
    • What do you call a white person playing with gasoline?
      A fire cracker.
    • What do you call 200 white men chasing a black man?
      The PGA Tour.

More white people jokes

    • Why did the white guy go to the black guy's yard sale?
      To get his stuff back.
    • What's the flattest surface to iron your jeans on?
      A white girl's ass!
    • What do you call a White man with a sheep under each arm?
      A Pimp.
    • What do you call a black guy with millions of white friends?
      Mr Predisent.
    • What do you call a white boy screaming as dragged down the highway behind a black man's pickup truck?
      A white lane marker.
    • What does a white woman make for dinner?
    • Why shouldn't white people go swimming?
      Because crackers get soggy when wet.
    • What do you call a white guy on 'Jeopardy?'
      A contestant.
    • What does a white man say when he catches his wife cheating on him?
      'I forgive you'
    • Why did the white man visit the moon?
      He heard that the indians had land there.
    • What do you say when you see a white man carrying a TV?
      'Excuse me sir, you dropped your receipt!'
    • What does a white man do when he is unhappy with our current government decisions?
      He writes a letter.
    • What do you call a mob of white people in Detroit burning down the city?
      A hockey victory.
    • How do you stop five white guys from raping a white woman?
      Throw them a golf ball.
    • Where would you see a white man trying to break up a fight with black men?
      On the ground unconscious.
    • What do you call a white man in court?
      The lawyer.

Mexican Jokes

    • What do you call a white person when he's mad?
      A cry baby.
    • How long does it take for a white women to take a crap?
      9 months.
    • What do you call it when a white man dancing has a seizure?
      An improvement.
Trump being racist reddit
    • Why cant white men jump?
      They were too busy making racist jokes.
    • How many white people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
      None they'll have a nig*** do it!
    • How many white girls does it take to screw in a light?
      None, white girls can't screw.
    • How many white men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
      One, white men will screw anything.
    • Why did the white man cross the road?
      Because he needed something that was on the other side of the road.
    • What did a white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
      A straight line!

The last 20 white people jokes

    • What did the white woman do after she spilled hot coffee on her legs?
      File a lawsuit.
    • What did the white man do before his blood test?
      He studied.
    • Why do white people like to play hockey?
      It's the only other way to beat something black up if they're not a cop.
    • Why did white people own slaves?
      They were not strong enough to pick cotton – weak bastards.
    • Why do so many white people get lost skiing?
      It's hard to find them in the snow.
    • What do Mickey Mouse and Michael Jackson have in common?
      They are both black people with white faces.
    • You know what sucks about being white?
      Not much, really. I mean, there are starving people in Africa, and all those tsunami victims in Asia… I'd say we're pretty lucky.
    • What do you call a mob of white people in Alabama?
      A lynching.
    • What do you call a bunch of white guys in a circle?
      A Dope Ring!
    • What do u call a bunch of white people in a bowl?
    • What do you call 500,000 white guys jumping out of a plane?
    • What do you call a white cop?
      Police brutality.
    • What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?
      The NBA.
    • What's the difference between a white man and a snake?
      One is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake.
    • What does a white man do at the club?
      Pout while all the colored folk are bumpin' & grindin' with all of his fine white bitches.
    • What do you call a white guy who needs to go somewhere across town but does not own an automobile?
      A taxi.
    • What do you call a white woman with a yeast infection?
      Crackers with cheese.
    • What's white and fourteen inches long?
      Absolutely nothing!
    • What's orange white and very beautiful?
      A white boy on fire.
    • A white guy doesn't want to be disturbed.
      Unless Disturbed comes out with a new album.
See this video with Dave Chappelle about white people jokes (Created by machiavel2772)

Why jokes about white people.?

Well we got categories like, black people jokes, mexican jokes, jew jokes and so on. So why not a category for white poeple? I know, there is not as many jokes in this category as the others, but what can I do. Im not the one who invents new jokes. If i find any in the future, I will of course add them to this list. In the meantime enjoy these here.

Funny jokes
Yo mama jokes
Knock knock jokes
Racist jokes
Black jokes
Dirty jokes
Jokes for kids
Mexican jokes
Blonde jokes
Short jokes
Stupid jokes
Chuck Norris jokes
Bad jokes
Clean jokes
Jew jokes
Girlfriend jokes
One liner jokes
Adult jokes
Lesbian jokes
Dead baby jokes

Dad jokes
Offensive jokes
Christmas jokes
Star wars jokes
Condom jokes and rhymes
Roses are red violets are blue jokes
Pregnant jokes
Husband and wife Jokes
Old people jokes
Anti jokes
Corny jokes
[quads id=2]

Regardless of geography, color of skin or beliefs, it might be the case that these racist jokes will make you uncomfortable. They are pointing towards all kinds of people, and not meant as any kind of hate speech. We at the editorial department are not racists and we do not encourage racist acts by publishing these jokes – quite the opposite!
With that being said we have selected our 30 best and funniest jokes below. We remind you that we post these to spark a smile on you all. 🙂

Racist jokes 1 – 10

1. What is the most common gift on mother's day in Turkey?
– Shaving cream.

2. On which foreign market should you not gamble?
– Ethiopia; you are never hungry for the fun of it.

3. What is the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
– A pizza does not scream when you put it in the oven.

4. Immigrants have at times been complaining why there are too few TV programs with immigrants as a topic.
– The TV-channels apologize for this and hereby commit to broadcast 'cops' at an increased frequency from now on.

5. What is the difference between a hard penis and an asylum seeker?
– One of them is really hard to get in and the other one is really hard to get out.

6. What do you call a Turk with a wooden leg?
– A stick with shit.

7. What is the similarity between steroids and the KKK?
– Both of them get black people to run faster..

8. What was the fastest means of transportation during the second world war?
– A Jew on a bicycle through Germany.

9. Why did Hitler commit suicide?
– He saw the gas bill.

10. 'I all the time get text messages regarding my pit-bull which during the last weekend killed four Somalis, three Pakistanis and 4 Turks.
– For the last time: 'IT IS NOT FOR SALE'

Racist jokes 11 – 20

11. Muhammed to the doctor: 'Each time I have sex with a white girl my eyes hurt'
– Well, the doctor says, You are probably allergic to pepper spray..

12. A Turk was in court because he had infected 10 blondes with AIDS
The judge: Did you not warn them?
– Yes, I said: I will AID(s) with my dick, but they did not listen.

13. Did you know that immigrants are such friendly people?
– They always come in groups and ask: 'Do you have a problem?'

14. What do you call a Chinese rapper?
– Vanilla Rice.

15. The Thai girl got it hard in the ass, so she hit the end of the bed and knocked out her front teeth.
The guy: 'I am so sorry, I will compensate you!'
She then replied: 'Don't worry, it's only my milk teeth.'

16. What happens when a Jew with a stiff penis walks into a wall?
– He breaks his nose.

17. What is the similarity between a penis and an immigrant?
– You feel a sense of relief when they are done and have exited.

18. Last night a bomb was detected outside a Mosque in Chicago.
– The police told everyone not to worry, since they were able to push it into the building..

19. If two Pakistanis and one black guy are sitting in a car. Who is driving?
– A white cop.


20. How was the steel wire invented?
– Two Jews were fighting over the same nickel.

Racist jokes 21 – 30

21. Little Mohammad asks his mother: 'Mom, I have the biggest penis in all of third grade, Is it because I'm black?'
– No, little Mohammad. It is because you are 19 years old.

22. Why are Muslims so poor?
– Because alloy rims are so expensive.

23. Why do not Somalis go to the movies?
– They can not hold the seats down…

Good racist jokes reddit comments
    • Where would you see a white man trying to break up a fight with black men?
      On the ground unconscious.
    • What do you call a white man in court?
      The lawyer.

Mexican Jokes

    • What do you call a white person when he's mad?
      A cry baby.
    • How long does it take for a white women to take a crap?
      9 months.
    • What do you call it when a white man dancing has a seizure?
      An improvement.
    • Why cant white men jump?
      They were too busy making racist jokes.
    • How many white people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
      None they'll have a nig*** do it!
    • How many white girls does it take to screw in a light?
      None, white girls can't screw.
    • How many white men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
      One, white men will screw anything.
    • Why did the white man cross the road?
      Because he needed something that was on the other side of the road.
    • What did a white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
      A straight line!

The last 20 white people jokes

    • What did the white woman do after she spilled hot coffee on her legs?
      File a lawsuit.
    • What did the white man do before his blood test?
      He studied.
    • Why do white people like to play hockey?
      It's the only other way to beat something black up if they're not a cop.
    • Why did white people own slaves?
      They were not strong enough to pick cotton – weak bastards.
    • Why do so many white people get lost skiing?
      It's hard to find them in the snow.
    • What do Mickey Mouse and Michael Jackson have in common?
      They are both black people with white faces.
    • You know what sucks about being white?
      Not much, really. I mean, there are starving people in Africa, and all those tsunami victims in Asia… I'd say we're pretty lucky.
    • What do you call a mob of white people in Alabama?
      A lynching.
    • What do you call a bunch of white guys in a circle?
      A Dope Ring!
    • What do u call a bunch of white people in a bowl?
    • What do you call 500,000 white guys jumping out of a plane?
    • What do you call a white cop?
      Police brutality.
    • What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?
      The NBA.
    • What's the difference between a white man and a snake?
      One is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake.
    • What does a white man do at the club?
      Pout while all the colored folk are bumpin' & grindin' with all of his fine white bitches.
    • What do you call a white guy who needs to go somewhere across town but does not own an automobile?
      A taxi.
    • What do you call a white woman with a yeast infection?
      Crackers with cheese.
    • What's white and fourteen inches long?
      Absolutely nothing!
    • What's orange white and very beautiful?
      A white boy on fire.
    • A white guy doesn't want to be disturbed.
      Unless Disturbed comes out with a new album.
See this video with Dave Chappelle about white people jokes (Created by machiavel2772)

Why jokes about white people.?

Well we got categories like, black people jokes, mexican jokes, jew jokes and so on. So why not a category for white poeple? I know, there is not as many jokes in this category as the others, but what can I do. Im not the one who invents new jokes. If i find any in the future, I will of course add them to this list. In the meantime enjoy these here.

Funny jokes
Yo mama jokes
Knock knock jokes
Racist jokes
Black jokes
Dirty jokes
Jokes for kids
Mexican jokes
Blonde jokes
Short jokes
Stupid jokes
Chuck Norris jokes
Bad jokes
Clean jokes
Jew jokes
Girlfriend jokes
One liner jokes
Adult jokes
Lesbian jokes
Dead baby jokes

Dad jokes
Offensive jokes
Christmas jokes
Star wars jokes
Condom jokes and rhymes
Roses are red violets are blue jokes
Pregnant jokes
Husband and wife Jokes
Old people jokes
Anti jokes
Corny jokes
[quads id=2]

Regardless of geography, color of skin or beliefs, it might be the case that these racist jokes will make you uncomfortable. They are pointing towards all kinds of people, and not meant as any kind of hate speech. We at the editorial department are not racists and we do not encourage racist acts by publishing these jokes – quite the opposite!
With that being said we have selected our 30 best and funniest jokes below. We remind you that we post these to spark a smile on you all. 🙂

Racist jokes 1 – 10

1. What is the most common gift on mother's day in Turkey?
– Shaving cream.

2. On which foreign market should you not gamble?
– Ethiopia; you are never hungry for the fun of it.

3. What is the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
– A pizza does not scream when you put it in the oven.

4. Immigrants have at times been complaining why there are too few TV programs with immigrants as a topic.
– The TV-channels apologize for this and hereby commit to broadcast 'cops' at an increased frequency from now on.

5. What is the difference between a hard penis and an asylum seeker?
– One of them is really hard to get in and the other one is really hard to get out.

6. What do you call a Turk with a wooden leg?
– A stick with shit.

7. What is the similarity between steroids and the KKK?
– Both of them get black people to run faster..

8. What was the fastest means of transportation during the second world war?
– A Jew on a bicycle through Germany.

9. Why did Hitler commit suicide?
– He saw the gas bill.

10. 'I all the time get text messages regarding my pit-bull which during the last weekend killed four Somalis, three Pakistanis and 4 Turks.
– For the last time: 'IT IS NOT FOR SALE'

Racist jokes 11 – 20

11. Muhammed to the doctor: 'Each time I have sex with a white girl my eyes hurt'
– Well, the doctor says, You are probably allergic to pepper spray..

12. A Turk was in court because he had infected 10 blondes with AIDS
The judge: Did you not warn them?
– Yes, I said: I will AID(s) with my dick, but they did not listen.

13. Did you know that immigrants are such friendly people?
– They always come in groups and ask: 'Do you have a problem?'

14. What do you call a Chinese rapper?
– Vanilla Rice.

15. The Thai girl got it hard in the ass, so she hit the end of the bed and knocked out her front teeth.
The guy: 'I am so sorry, I will compensate you!'
She then replied: 'Don't worry, it's only my milk teeth.'

16. What happens when a Jew with a stiff penis walks into a wall?
– He breaks his nose.

17. What is the similarity between a penis and an immigrant?
– You feel a sense of relief when they are done and have exited.

18. Last night a bomb was detected outside a Mosque in Chicago.
– The police told everyone not to worry, since they were able to push it into the building..

19. If two Pakistanis and one black guy are sitting in a car. Who is driving?
– A white cop.

20. How was the steel wire invented?
– Two Jews were fighting over the same nickel.

Racist jokes 21 – 30

21. Little Mohammad asks his mother: 'Mom, I have the biggest penis in all of third grade, Is it because I'm black?'
– No, little Mohammad. It is because you are 19 years old.

22. Why are Muslims so poor?
– Because alloy rims are so expensive.

23. Why do not Somalis go to the movies?
– They can not hold the seats down…

24. How long does a visit to the bathroom take for an immigrant woman?
– Nine months.

25. Why do Jews watch porn movies in reverse?
– They cum when they see the whore giving the man back his money.

26. What should you do when you see an immigrant with one leg?
– Stop laughing and load your rifle.

27. What is the quickest west on two legs?
– A chicken in Somalia.

28. What is long and reeks of garlic?
– The train to the suburbs.

Racist Jokes

29. How do you kill two flies with one swat?
– You hit a Somali in the eye.

Good Racist Jokes Reddit For Kids

30. A Turkish girl is called to the teacher:
– 'That was a really good essay. Now you write like a real American!'
The girl goes home to her parents: 'Mom, mom! I got the highest grade and my teacher now says that I'm a real American!' – WHAM. She get's a slap. She goes to her dad and the same thing happens.

Next day in school
The teacher: 'So how does it feel to be a real American?'
The girl: 'Pretty lame! I've already been beaten up by two immigrant bastards.'

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